So you want to earn money solving questions online but are tired of going on a fake site? If so this article will surely help you overcome all the problems related to how to earn money by solving questions online with a study poll. Not only that some sites also promise that you can earn a lot of money. But you can’t earn such a huge amount of money as promised.
You probably might be thinking what is the name of the site that I am talking About. So, let me make it clear the name of the site I am talking about is Studypool. Studypool is a site where you can get help with your homework questions from verified teachers. So how does this site Studypool works, It has two different types of accounts one for Students and another for Tutors. In the student account, you can post questions access notebooks, and more. In the tutor’s account, you can choose questions you can solve or help the student with and earn money by solving those questions online. Upload the solved questions, help the students learn, and earn money.
Requirements to Earn Money Solving Questions Online
Here are a few basic requirements for starting to earn money by solving questions online from Studypool. If you fill in the requirements below you can move forward with signing up.
- You at least need to be a college or university student.
- You must be fluent in a language.
Steps to become Tutor on Studypool
So you have all the requirements fulfilled as mentioned above in the requirements section. Let’s go forward to the Registration and Start Earning Money Solving Questions Online With this Site. The process might take time for you so don’t worry all your processes will be saved automatically. Also, be sure to check and read every line written because the Studypool is very strict related to registration. Lets’ get started with the ways to Earn Money Solving Questions Online For Free.
- Open your browser and go to the Studypool site from this link and click on the Sign Up Button.
- Now you can choose an option to register as a Student and Tutor be sure you have chosen the tutor.

- Now enter a username, email, and password for your account or you can even sign up with Google or Facebook.
- Then Verify your email address by clicking on the link provided by Studypool on your email address.
- Now you will be redirected to a page with Start your Application Now button.
- Now you need to fill in your Personal Information: Name, Nationality, Address and How did you hear about Studypool?.
- The second piece of information you have to provide is Academic Background: Your School and Your Major Subject.
- After that, you need to enter your biography teaching experience of yours and make sure it is at least 200 words or more.
- Now chose the preferred rate per hour and upload a good-looking avatar.
- Now you have to complete the Writing Skill Assessment by explaining a topic by choosing among a few options.
- Before going to the next step please be sure to read the Policy Page of Studypool and Answer Weather the Statement is True or False.
- After you are done with it you can choose the payment method from which medium you want to receive money.
- Then you need to enter your mobile number and verify it using the OPT sent on your SIM through SMS.
- Then you need to provide your Electronic signature from your device itself easily.
- Now it’s time for verifying your identity. For this, you will need one document Passport, Driving License, Resident Permit, or ID Card.
- Secondly what you need to do in verifying your identity is write KYC for Studypool and today’s date on a piece of paper.
- Now hold both paper and your identity in both hands and click a picture holding it. Also, be sure you and both the paper are clearly visible in the photo. As shown in the picture.
- Now After you are done your application will go under review and you will receive an email on your email address with a success or failure message.
Types of Tutor Badge On Studypool
There are altogether 17 Tutor Badges that can be obtained on studypool among them three Badges fall under Quality Badges whereas other Badges fall under Subject Badges. In this part, I will be explaining to you what are these badges, their benefits and how can you get these badges on your Tutor Profile. The more badges you unlock the more you will be able to earn money solving questions online.
- Quality Badges
Those badges which indicate the quality of support and answer provided to the students fall under Quality Badge. These badges can be only obtained if you provide quality answers and timely responses to the students. There are three badges that fall under the category of Quality Badges they are explained below:
- Top Tutor: To get the badge of the top tutor you must have answered 50 plus questions and must be consistently providing high-quality answers also must work professionally and have excellent communication with students. The tutors with this badge will have more chances of getting recommended by the studypool.
- Rising Star: This badge is given to those tutors on the platform who have answered questions between zero to fifty. Also, who has been providing high-quality answers to the students. Not only that tutors with this badge will have exclusive access to bid on Quick Questions.
- Ambassador: This badge is given to those tutors who frequently work with new students giving them an amazing first-class experience on the studypool platform. Not only that the tutors with this badge are prioritized to work with future new students. Also, the rate for new students taken by the studypool is low so there is a very high chance of increasing the capacity to Earn Money Solving Questions Online.
- Top Tutor: To get the badge of the top tutor you must have answered 50 plus questions and must be consistently providing high-quality answers also must work professionally and have excellent communication with students. The tutors with this badge will have more chances of getting recommended by the studypool.
- Subject Badges
These are those badges that indicate that the tutor has expertise in those specific subjects. This also increases the chance of getting you recommended for the questions related to the subject you have the badge. This badge can be obtained at the beginning process or later as you go on solving the questions. The Subject Badges are listed below:- Business
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Engineering
- Foreign Languages
- Health and Medical
- Humanities
- Law
- Mathematics
- Programming
- Science
- Writing
- Excel
- Powerpoint

UI of Studypool
From my personal experience, I feel that studypool has a very minimal and easy user interface. There are altogether two modes in studypool one for the students and another for the tutors. Switching between students and tutors mode can be done with a simple click of a button. Let me share with you all the things with an actual screenshot of the tutors’ mode and students’ mode.

After you switch to the tutor mode you will find your tutor badges on the top right. Coming down from that you will find the username and your reputation which is important in studypool for earning a good amount of money. Right after that, you can see a logo about what kind of tutor you are by a badge on the image you have Rising Star Badge. Coming down there are some of the stats of your activities. Then you can clearly see three boxes the first one is for browsing through questions. The second one is for outsourcing the questions and the last one is for the withdrawal process of your earnings. Along with how much you have earned money solving questions online with studypool.
Let me make it clear that you can earn money by solving questions online only in tutor mode. So, you must follow all the steps mentioned above along with the KYC for being a tutor. Then only you will be able to start the journey on how to Earn Money Solving Questions Online.
Once you are inside the student mode you will be able to write and ask questions from the first box, the second box is for going through the noted bank where you can find authentic notes of various courses and universities. Moving to the net one you will find 1,000 plus book guides. As you go down you will find all the information on the questions you have asked till now.
Pro Tips: Earn Money Solving Questions Online with Studypool
The pro tips are all written from my personal experiences and from the number of time I have spent on the platform as a tutor. Do use the tips for increasing your payouts instantly, So here it goes.
- Reputation
Reputations are the numbers or kind of ranking given to you on the basis of knowledge and services you have provided in studypool. More reputation is equal to more chance of getting your bid selected. Secondly, more reputation also unlocks access to bid on more number of questions.
Now you might be thinking how does reputation increase? The reputation increases on the basis of various reasons reason number one is after you have successfully solved a problem according to the pledge you will get some reputation. Secondly, you can earn a plus 10 reputation from bidding on at least 10 questions in 24 hours. - Sell Documents
You even earn money selling your academic notes and documents online on studypool. you can earn up to $5,000 USD a month sharing your documents and also get up to $10 every time a student views one of your documents or notes.
So what kind of documents can you upload?
You can upload Quiz / Exam Prep, Old Assignments, Class notes, and Multi-language content. But make sure it follows and passes all the honor codes of studypool. That’s how you can easily earn money by answering questions online.
So this is how you can easily earn money solving questions online using studypool. Also, they are really strict regarding their rules if you break any of them they can even give you a penalty or even ban you from the platform for a lifetime.
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